• @CriticalResist8A
    63 years ago

    I fucking hate how they have Chinese people (might be Taiwanese or from HK for all I know) write these articles against China, as if that gives legitimacy to the article. They know exactly what they’re doing. The article was approved and corrected by an editor that is most likely white, and proofread and suggested by a few other people that are likely not Chinese either.

    This isn’t unique to hrw either, all western media does this.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      3 years ago

      I feel like it wasn’t super common (but still definately happened) until the NCW started, I feel like we’ve seen an explosion of Chinese immigrants, or citizens of HK or Taiwan (or even just Asians in general, white people are a bit ethnicity-blind) being the faces of anti-China propaganda.

      To be fair to the authors though, a fucktonne of the people who moved from China to the west leaned far-right anyways, so they’re probably suggesting this shit and happily writing it.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    33 years ago

    Westerners see liberal culture as being strictly superior to others. Other are seen as being less enlightened and backwards as if they need to be saved from themselves. This is why China terrifies so many people in the west. It doesn’t see itself as inferior, it doesn’t bow down to the western world, and it’s becoming more powerful than the west geopolitically.

    This is why its seen as such an existential threat by people across the political spectrum in the west. China forces people to seriously consider the idea that western culture might not be superior, and another culture may become dominant going forward. I think there’s also a bit of fear that the west could be treated the way the west has been treating other nations it considers inferior.

    It’s impossible to make sound decisions when you’re operating based on the way you want the world to work as opposed to the way it actually works. West’s inability to see the flaws in their own model and correct them is precisely what makes their decline irreversible.