Cambridge city authorities did everything in their power to stop the vote. The day prior, they abruptly closed the City Council meeting to in-person attendance, moving hundreds who had signed up for public comment to Zoom.

When a large crowd showed up in defiance, chanting with signs — organized by Palestine House of New England, Palestine Youth Movement, Muslim Justice League, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology students for Palestine, Mass Peace Action and many Cambridge residents — Cambridge police arrived in force, drawing their zip ties to intimidate people. Many regrouped at nearby Palestinian coffee shop Andala and testified for over three hours remotely.

When force failed, Zionists on the council demanded and won onerous late-night amendments, including the false and racist assertion that Gaza’s democratically elected government is a “terrorist organization.”

    4 months ago

    Great to see. Even if these movements are effectively entirely symbolic - they’re also essentially the only way the American public can communicate their stance on the issue, and it’s absolutely impacting how many politicians are looking at the issue especially with the election cycle coming up.