Alternative title: Marx proven right yet again. Capitalist economy setting itself up for economic bust.

“We may be looking at the end of capitalism.” Those words, from the pen of the loquacious Albert Edwards of Societe Generale, shocked the Wall Street analyst set last April and set Alberts on his way to becoming a financial press favorite for his witty turns of apocalyptic phrase. He was commenting on the phenomenon of “greedflation,” an economic bugbear previously beloved of progressive economists, not quite venerable 160-year-old French investment banks.

God willing the bastards hang themselves with their own rope

But after falling from its blistering pace in 2022, consumer inflation has gotten stubbornly stuck in the 3% range—rising unexpectedly for the last two months even as wholesalers’ prices stay flat or fall. That is greedflation’s music, offering a clear bit of evidence that excessive profit-taking is happening above the raw cost of goods. And yet another progressive economic study, this time from the Groundwork Collaborative, sheds light on the problem, arguing that more than half of the consumer price price increases in the middle of last year were due to excessive profits, according to the findings. Corporate profits, by the way, remain at all-time highs.

Monopoly capital doing monopoly capital things. Big shocker

Corporate profits drove 53% of inflation during the second and third quarters of 2023 and more than one-third since the start of the pandemic, the report found, analyzing Commerce Department data. That’s a massive jump from the four decades prior to the pandemic, when profits drove just 11% of price growth.

Now that they gave the shareholders record profits, corporations now must continue their scalping in order to deliver on their fiduciary responsibilities even at the risk of causing another depression.

“Businesses were really, really quick, when input costs went up, to pass that on to consumers. [But] had they only passed on those increases, inflation would have been maybe one to three points lower,” Liz Pancotti, a strategic advisor at Groundwork and one of the report’s authors, told Fortune.

If it wasn’t for the drive towards monopolization in the capitalist system of economics, the increase in input costs in the form of increased demand or reduced supply or a combination of the two would’ve promoted the growth of production for those commodities in order to profit off of the price inflation. Now there just a handful of cartels who can not just profit off of inflation of finished commodities, but also off of the process of commodity production itself as they have ownership over the entire process.

Less business, more money

In fact, corporate profits have been so good, companies may have backed themselves into a corner, Bloomberg Opinion columnist (and former Fortune editor) Justin Fox opined this week, citing Home Depot’s earnings, which saw an increase in dollar sales per square foot (thanks to rising materials prices) but also fewer transactions. Corporate profits have hit a new record in the most recent quarter, while the portion of national output going to workers is still below pre-pandemic levels, despite solid real wage growth.

Even with the Workers finally being able to feel some actual increases to their material conditions of existence, it immediately gets undermined by the cartels.

That high-profit, lower-volume dynamic is even hurting workers—who are being scheduled for fewer shifts to service fewer shoppers, who are themselves put off by ever-increasing prices, Bloomberg Opinion writer Conor Sen wrote. In the short term, that trend may manifest itself in some positive changes, like a four-day workweek. But in the longer term, companies will refuse to give up their fat profit margins without a fight, and will try to cut wherever possible. The tech industry, while a small part of the overall economy, is prime evidence of this dynamic, with Google, Amazon and plenty of smaller companies this month announcing plans to shed the less-profitable parts of their workforce as they pivot to the hopefully-more-profitable AI sector.

“Positive” changes because of the vicious cycle of the capitalist system or organization cannibalizing itself to maintain profit margins.

Meanwhile, consumer-facing companies have been upfront with investors about their price-raising strategies—and they don’t seem interested in a reversal. PepsiCo’s CFO Hugh Johnston said last spring the company could “increase margins during the course of the year;” construction materials giant Holcim said in October it would raise its margins to make up for falling demand, and consumer-products giant Procter & Gamble this summer boasted of an $800 million profit increase, thanks to falling commodity costs that it would not pass on to consumers.

See last comment on vicious cycles.

That all adds up to consumer-inflation rates that are, well, inflated, according to Groundwork. Company profits are “probably why we saw inflation in the realm of 7% to 9% for a while, instead of the 5% to 7% range,” Pancotti told Fortune. Now that “we’re in the 3% range, if you took corporate profits away, we should already be at the 2% target” that the Federal Reserve has set, she added.


After pandemic-era upheavals, “on the whole, things are really stabilized, but we’re still seeing significant gaps between consumer and producer prices,” she said.


It’s not just the left making this argument. The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City has also found corporate profits playing an outsize role in price growth. The Kansas City Fed, in a recent study, found that growth in markups accounted for more than half of consumer price inflation for 2021, a “substantially higher contribution than during the preceding decade.” Last month, the largest review to date of greedflation, from the Institute for Public Policy Research and Common Wealth, looked at 1,300 companies across four continents and concluded that profiteering by a relatively small set of companies pushed up consumer prices “significantly higher” than would have happened from the supply-chain shocks alone.

They’re just repeating themselves now. “You’re getting fucked by monopoly capital”

Societe Generale’s Edwards, in his takedown of greedflation last year, warned that corporations’ greed could lead to a revolt and social unrest. Calling profit-taking “unprecedented” and “astonishing,” Edwards noted that he had never seen this level of corporate greed during four decades in the finance industry, and warned that popular unhappiness at companies’ “super-normal profit margins” could usher in price controls, of the type last seen decades ago.

If they want to actually concider breaking out the Olde State control measures to keep the gravy train going for record profits, now would be the time to fucking do it because if they wait until the hogs break loose it’ll be too late

To be sure, classical economists argue that blaming companies for trying to boost profits is like blaming the rain for falling—profit-seeking is their mission, and it was to be expected, if anything, from the unleashed pent-up demand that exploded as the economy reopened post-pandemic. But increasingly, mainstream as well as progressive economists are making the case that the prices just didn’t need to go up this much.

And that’s why capitalism must go.

Outside the U.S., corporations as well as governments have pushed back against price hikes. The European supermarket chain Carrefour, which first tried to embarrass PepsiCo by pointing out price increases on its products with in-store signs, last month said it would stop carrying PepsiCo products altogether. Belgian chain Colruyt also dropped products from Mondelez, the maker of Oreos and Philadelphia cream cheese, after price hikes.

Lmao national bourgeoisie are trying to wriggle their way back into the scene

  • RyanGosling [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    If you’re a conservative, then it’s because Biden personally pressed the “make everything more expensive out of spite” button

    If you’re a liberal, then Biden solved inflation and everyone who complains is inadvertently supporting fascism

    • Adkml [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Also these smaller chains are doing everything they can to remove that modifier of “it’s ok to steal from corporations” by doing the exact same price gouging as the big guys.

      Literally for decades small business have been complaining they can’t compete with the prices of the big corporations because of economy of scale.

      But then the corporations all doubled their prices from sheer greed, giving the small stores a chance to undercut them with fair prices and reclaim that market share while also benefitting the whole community and not effe tovely holding their food ransom.

      Or they could also double all their prices and attempt to do the exact same thing as Walmart because it seems like they can get away with it.

      • DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
        9 months ago

        Harris teeter apparently just upgraded their cameras because now they keep demanding an attendant come watch some video of me bagging because I’m checking out too fast for its little robot brain to comprehend

        • Adkml [he/him]
          9 months ago

          Pro tip “fuck off if you wanted to make sure everything was scanned right your boss should have hired somebody to do that instead of making me do it” has been effective 100% of the time I’ve been asked to stop after checking out at a grocery store

      • D61 [any]
        9 months ago

        My spouse and I’ll will go shopping together and if I wiggle a bag near the camera, the register shits the bed. Have to make a concerted effort to put all the bags on one side of the machine out of sight of the camera before trying to scan anything.

  • FnordPrefect [comrade/them, he/him]
    9 months ago

    To be sure, classical economists argue that blaming companies for trying to boost profits is like blaming the rain for falling—profit-seeking is their mission, and it was to be expected, if anything, from the unleashed pent-up demand that exploded as the economy reopened post-pandemic. But increasingly, mainstream as well as progressive economists are making the case that the prices just didn’t need to go up this much.

    liberalism "Sure this obviously bad thing is obviously bad and will cause widespread suffering.


    It’s inherent to the system and the system is good. The. System. Is. Good."

    • Adkml [he/him]
      9 months ago

      Love how they try to lecture us and instead just make our exact points but then just say its good at the end.

      “Dont you understand that in a capitalist system there’s no actual gague for value past what you can get somebody to pay for it, and the people who produce it will rely on the fact you need it to live to charge you as much as possible, which is why it’s the only system that makes sense”

    • Rom [he/him]
      9 months ago

      They just implicitly accept that “profit-seeking is their mission” is perfectly fine, and it doesn’t even cross their minds to question if it might actually be the source of the entire goddamn problem to begin with.

  • DyingOfDeBordom [none/use name]
    9 months ago

    It’s fucking wild because i started making $3/hr more and my fucking bank account situation is literally the same. I was making $14 so that’s like a 21% increase and i basically don’t notice it I’m struggling exactly the same

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    9 months ago

    I genuinely don’t know how people who have families and stuff do it. I’m just a dude flying solo and I have enough, but less savings at the end of the month then I did prior to COVID. I have even adjust my spending/saving ratio, but I feel like my coin purse is far lighter than I’d like on the 31st.

    I don’t know how people who have kids, a spouse/partner, or anyone dependent on them do it. I don’t know how katz can make it month-to-month getting the shakedown from the market and its cultist goons every month. From the car bill, food bill, energy bill, housing bill, any type of care bill, I don’t know how regular people are making it.

    It sucks.

    These MEGACORPS can just slam the “we can make more money through greed because the market allows it and literally no one can stop us” button and raise costs for no real reason and we just have say “welp, times are tough” and keep it moving as if this wasn’t done purely out of capital greed and market incentives.

    The perversion of capitalism is so mundane, you just have to “cut back” or “budget” or “we will do X next year”. It’s just kinda sad.

    It’s so fuckin wack

    • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      Don’t even get me started on daycare costs lol. It’s like a whole second rent that you have to pay every month. At this point I just hold my breath and hope we don’t have many big expenses until my kid can enroll in kindergarten.

      • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
        9 months ago

        Exactly dude! I cannot even fathom how katz have families with little ones man. This inflation bullshit seems to make being a parent near impossible.

        Keep doing your best to do your best for you people’s man.

      9 months ago

      Don’t get me wrong. Families got it plenty hard. I’m not fighting that. But don’t forget as a solo person, you don’t get to split the bill on anything.

      Families have the disadvantage of larger costs, but the huge advantage of split bills/duel income. You don’t have that advantage.

      Times be hard for everyone, just in different ways 🫠

  • Adkml [he/him]
    9 months ago

    All these catchy new names to replace just saying “capitalism” are really carrying a lot of water to make this seem like some unintended fluke and not just the literal cornerstones of capitalism.

    The people who own the means of production are charging the maximum amount they can get away with for the things they produce.

    And they’re using the inelastic aspect of the fact people need things like “food” and “shelter” to charge more for things that people would die without.

    Buy no it’s a completely new phenomenonwell have to spend a long time coming up with a solution for, deffinitly isn’t centuries of books written on exactly why this happens and what would stop it.

  • Skeleton_Erisma [they/them, any]
    9 months ago

    I had to give up on grocery shopping and simply rely on the generosity of local food banks, because I’m not only tired of having to choose between rent and food, but I’m also suffering from beggers burnout where in just so tired and anxious from asking people anymore. I have no idea how long any of this going to last tho.

  • buh [she/her]
    9 months ago

    Where I work there are a lot of chuds who like to decry inflation from BiG gOVErNMeNt soCialiStS priNtinG MOnEy. But at the same time will celebrate how the company increased revenues in the past few years, not from increasing sales volumes or making innovative new products, but from simply increasing prices 🤦