Ones to give comrades quick rundowns of Eastern Orthodoxy or Camus if they are not in the know. I’m not knowledgeable enough to write them, but it would be cool. You could include various marxist takes on them and stuff.

  • LarkinDePark
    9 months ago

    Do they have meaningfuly different impacts on society?

    When I think of say Protestants and Catholics in Ireland for example. The Protestants have always been the supremacists, but only because they’ve predominantly been the settler colonists. But conflict in Ireland is usually framed in a Catholic v Protestant way. However this is just either a lazy shorthand or an intentional obfuscation of the real material basis of colonialist oppression. There is no religious conflict ensuing from matters of canon or dogma. Very few actually understand those differences.

    I wonder if all apparent religious conflicts are better framed in their Marxist-Leninist class based common denominators. Religions to me are just Idealist daydreams used as primitive tools of control.

    Probably psychological concepts such as Catholic guilt have an impact on society, but is this a type of area that we should bother with as Marxists?

    • QueerCommieOP
      9 months ago

      True, its just good general knowledge that is helpful for understanding the specifics of history and the minutia of Dominionism for example.