Shut It Down protesters hold nationwide actions: No Christmas as usual in a genocide!

Photo: Thousands of protesters march through one of the busiest shopping districts in Manhattan

The Shut It Down for Palestine movement held actions across the country yesterday to say that there can be “no Christmas as usual in a genocide”! Protesters marched through busy shopping districts and held disruptions at commercial centers to draw attention to the ongoing […] genocide in Gaza and the urgent need for a ceasefire along with an end to the occupation once and for all. The [neocolonial] war machine is not letting up in its attack, and so the fight for a free Palestine must continue without pause!

Statewide march in Raleigh, North Carolina

Tucson Arizona activists held a peaceful demonstration to bring attention to the genocide in Gaza and were met with violent police repression and two were arrested on trumped up charges. But nothing can stop this grassroots movement that has the support of the people behind us!

Christian leaders in Bethlehem have canceled Christmas celebrations this year due to the ongoing atrocities being committed by [neocolonists]. Bethlehem-based Pastor Munther Isaac explained the decision, “While the world is celebrating, our children are under the rubble. While the world is celebrating, our families are displaced and their homes are destroyed. This is Christmas to us in Palestine.” Last weekend, Pope Francis condemned the “terrorism” of an [IOF] sniper who murdered two Palestinian women seeking refuge in a church in Gaza.

Shut it Down protesters march in Boston shopping district

Not only is the Biden administration arming [its neocolony] to the teeth, now it’s threatening to attack Yemen to help keep the genocide in Gaza going. Yemen is an ally of the Palestinian resistance, and the government has announced that it won’t permit any ships connected to [Zionism] to travel across a key waterway where a huge amount of the world’s trade goes through. The Pentagon is threatening to attack the country in an attempt to keep corporate profits flowing amid the genocide, but yesterday’s actions took up the demand “no war on Yemen!”

Shut it Down protesters disrupt holiday shopping in an Albuquerque, NM mall

We will make the movement to Shut It Down for Palestine present everywhere. The “no Christmas as usual!” protests were a powerful reminder that the government that speaks in our name is committing a genocide, and that big corporations were profiting amid these atrocities. This fight will continue until Palestine is free!

Please make an urgently needed donation to support solidarity work with Palestine in this pivotal moment

(Taken from an email sent to me by the ANSWER Coalition. Emphasis original.)