The [neocolonial] war machine is attacking Gaza with more intensity than ever before. After ending the temporary “pause”, the […] genocide has now resumed with the aim of creating a mass displacement of Palestinians even larger than the 1948 Nakba that led to [the neocolony’s] formation. But the Palestinian people are holding strong — the people of the world need to stand with them!

The movement to Shut it Down for Palestine is continuing the fight this Friday with another global day of action. In cities and towns across the country and around the world, people will take to the streets and hold a wide range of actions aimed at confronting the powerful institutions and individuals that support […] apartheid. And this struggle will continue not only until this latest round of aggression ends, but until the occupation ends and Palestine is finally free!

The U.S. government is doubling down on their participation in the genocide. Tomorrow, the Senate is set to vote on a bill that would direct an additional $14+ billion in taxpayer money to the [neocolonial] military (in addition to funding the war in Ukraine, war threats against China and repression along the U.S.-Mexico border). But the majority of people in this country oppose the unconscionable policy of the Biden administration — let’s show our strength in the streets!

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(Emphasis original. Taken from an email sent to me by the ANSWER Coalition.)