Does anyone else get annoyed when (often philosophical) words are misused in common speach? Examples: Some anti-consumerist or anti-capitalists say “Materialism is bad,” which is annoying as a dialectical materialist. Materialism is the philosophy of putting matter over mind when studying the world, not liking fancy things. People frequently complain about “cynicism” meaning self-interest, cold-heartedness, or unreasonable skepticism. In reality it’s an ancient philosophy of living naturally and virtuously, rejecting social norms and ideals. I legit heard someone saying Stoicism means seriousness as in taking a sport seriously. It’s a philosophy of living virtuously and avoiding unnecessary psychological pain. These days people only know “op/ps” as opposition not operatives or operations. Finally, I know someone who thinks “dialectics” pretty much just means talking.

(not sure if this is the right comm, but it’s a rant)

  • EuthanatosMurderhobo
    10 months ago

    Not only do I get annoyed, I consider it a problem. Postmodernist brainrot set in so deeply it infects even the basic tool of though, which is language, by shuffling terms and meanings around way too quickly, courtesy of the Internet. Substitution of concepts is all over the fucking place.

    But yeah, exactly because it’s so bad you have no choice but to grit your teeth, take a deep breath and explain that you didn’t mean colloquial moral “idealism”(naivety) and meant philosophical “idealism”. And then probably give a short lesson on what even is philosophical idealism and what’s it’s beef with materialism… No, not that materialismFUCK deep breath