Water, food, fuel and medical supplies have been cut off, with only a trickle of aid trucks making it through the Rafah crossing. The healthcare sector has completely collapsed, either through direct […] bombing or from lack of medicine and electricity to treat patients. [Neocolonial] targeting of civilians includes destruction of more than 50% of homes in Gaza, nearly all bakeries, water treatment plants, schools, clinics, and other infrastructures for life.

As Palestinians in Gaza teeter on the brink of life, without sustenance or shelter, we call for an immediate end to [the] barbaric bombing and invasion of Gaza. We call on the world to intervene in any and every capacity to end the ongoing genocidal attacks against a defenseless civilian society, which has been unrelentingly terrorized for 35 days.

We urge all peoples and governments to act urgently to end this horror. There are hundreds of aid trucks currently parked in the desert waiting to enter the Rafah crossing. We demand they be allowed to reach Palestinians whose needs are dire and desperate.

Stop [the] war on Gaza Now!

Open the Rafah border Now!