In keeping up with all the other anti-immigrant bills featured in their Special Sessions, the Texas State Legislature has passed a bill to enable state-sanctioned racial profiling and violation of the U.S. constitution.

SB4 allows all state and local level police in Texas to arrest and deport people suspected of violating immigration law, while including no provision for those same law enforcement officials to be trained regarding immigration law – a classic setup for racial profiling. It may violate both the U.S. constitution and international law, with members of the ACLU declaring that there is no analogue or precedent for this.

Additionally, SB3 is a bill currently pending in the Legislature that designates another $1.5 billion for more border wall construction and even more ineffective and deadly “border security” operations like concertina wire and buoys.

Solidarity with our friends at the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) and so many others who have spent a lot of time fighting these measures, while the Biden administration has spent no time at all.

(Taken from an email sent to me by Never Again Action.)