The United States wages endless wars to maintain its position as the supreme settler colony of the world. Ours is the oldest struggle against U.S. colonialism. Now is the chance to redeem your humanity, settlers of our stolen lands, by standing with Palestine and standing with us. The end of U.S. imperialism is the only solution — for us, for Palestine, and for the world!

Mark our words. The humble people of the Earth have spoken! There is no place for colonialism on Mother Earth! For the Earth to live, colonialism must die! A free Palestine frees us all to build a future of peace and equality. Today, we join our Palestinian relatives in a righteous struggle to author a new society.

To our relatives in Gaza, we say K’é bee nihídził — together we are strong! May our message carry far across the sea: Gaza, Gaza, you will see, Palestine will truly be free. Until liberation for all!