Only unconditional support [for neocolonialism] can plausibly explain the U.S. veto of a humanitarian cease-fire in the U.N. Security Council. It is becoming abundantly clear that in the final analysis it is the United States that is preventing a two-state solution within the 1967 borders and a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital and international security guarantees for [neocolonialism].

The war, however, not only leads to an international self-isolation of the West as a result of the deadly double standards on display, but also to a collapse of reason in the West itself. This can be seen, for example, in the conspiracy ideology of the self-declared military expert and chairwoman of the defense committee [in the German Parliament] Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann.

“And you have to make one thing clear: These two conflicts, these two attacks — Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel — is (sic!) directly related. By the way, this was on the day of Putin’s birthday, October 7. These are no coincidences,” Strack-Zimmermann said unquestioningly and unchallenged in the ZDF television interview. There is almost no more powerful way to demonstrate the destruction of reason in times of war.

What remains the order of the day is not allowing oneself to be played for a fool. Instead, insist that there is no military solution to this conflict and that there is an urgent need for a humanitarian ceasefire.

  • Avnar
    11 months ago

    Im German I never even heard of her.