As Mahtowin Munro, co-leader of UAINE, stressed in her opening remarks at the rally: “Palestinian resistance to the Zionist state’s genocidal assault is part of the worldwide Indigenous struggle against settler-colonial genocide and for complete national self-determination. It’s no coincidence that support for the Zionist project comes from the other genocidal settler colonies — the so-called U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand.”

Jean-Luc Pierite, president of NAICOB, also expressed solidarity with the Palestinian resistance, highlighting the parallels between the U.S.’s ongoing genocide of Indigenous nations and the Zionist settler project.

Pierite denounced President Joe Biden’s recent visit to occupied Palestine, where he hugged his longtime crony, [neocolonial] Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu. Pierite asked: “Where are the open arms for the dying children, the dead babies? Where are the open arms of the United States at this moment? Wrapped around a war criminal.”

“I look out at this beautiful sea of liberation,” declared Steve Kirschbaum, speaking for Labor for Palestine as a 50-year elected officer of Steelworkers Local 8751. “This is our present and our future. This is how Palestine will be free!”

Eli Gerzon described JVP’s Oct. 18 takeover of the U.S. Capitol Rotunda. Renouncing the racist ideology of Zionism, Gerzon said, “As Jews we have experienced genocide. We have been forced to flee our homes. Therefore, we are against genocide.”

Other speakers, including Palestinians whose families have been killed and displaced in Gaza, called attention to the destruction of hospitals and the horrific health crisis in Gaza; detailed the pervasive racism, censorship and persecution experienced by supporters of Palestinian liberation; and demanded [that] the U.S. end the tens of billions of dollars in aid and weaponry [that] it gives […] its [neo]imperialist bridgehead in the Middle East.