The US president will reject the spending bill unless it also includes aid for Ukraine, the White House has warned

Place your bets folks. Will he actually do it and risk upsetting the zionist lobby?

Will the Republicans cave right away and hammer out an agreement with Biden for more border wall, fascist troopers on the southern border and funding for the occupation and oppression of Palestine by the IOF in exchange for temporary Ukraine funding?

Or will Biden get his full funding to continue the depopulation and extermination of Ukrainians for the next 12 months or beyond?

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  • Laika
    1 year ago

    Just to be clear, it would be vetoed because the Republicans are the minority party right now (They only hold the house, not Senate or Presidency) and are proposing reducing funding from the IRS to pay for the Israel Aid package. The increased funding came from previous Biden passed legislation when Democrats had majority in all three places. Moreover, even if the house passes their bill it would instantly be shot down and returned to the house by the Democratic senate.

    What is interesting is if the Republicans will take a hardline stance on no fundings for Ukraine. Institutionalists on the Republican side are very much in support of sending aid to Isreal, Ukraine, and Taiwan but they have progressively lost power to the openly Fascist wing known as the “Freedom Caucus.” The Freedom Caucus, for very different reasons than MLs, are highly against sending aid to Ukraine but do silently support sending it to Isreal and Taiwan.