Currently I’m reading Nina Burton’s ‘Livets tunna väggar’ which translate to something like Walls of Life. It’s a book by a Swedish writer who inherits her mother’s summer house. When she wants to renovate it, she finds all sort of life around and in the house. She uses said life to teach you something about the intellect of various insects and animals, which goes deeper than humans normally think.

It’s a very interesting book that makes me think about non-human life even more. Creatures that are thousands of times smaller than we are have such complex societal structures. Humans have overcommodified animal life for centuries now, seeing them as property and commodities instead of complex and intelligent life forms.

What are you reading?

  • Bart
    11 months ago

    First of a sorry for the late reply.

    The reason why I’m reading An Economic History of the USSR is because a Marxist-Leninist friend recommended it to me. It has some nice information, but I would recommend Blackshirts & Reds by Michael Parenti if you want some more general information. He gives a far broader field of information about the Soviet Union and the rest of the communist bloc.

    Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During This Crisis (and the next) is indeed the one by Dean Spade. And yeah, it is a little too much focused on the US, but I would still recommend it.

    Furthermore, I would really recommend reading Stasi State or Socialist Paradise. I just finished it and must say that it is one of the better books that I have read this year. It’s a light read but still contains so many great examples and information. It’s a great book for when you’re waiting for the train for example.