We demand [that] the United States government and the international community end their complicity in the ongoing crimes against the Palestinian people, a people living under [neo]colonial occupation and denied their right to return home for over 75 years. Palestinians in exile and diaspora have been illegally denied their homeland, including the over 70% of Palestinians in Gaza who are themselves Palestinian refugees. The Palestinian people possess an inherent right to resist occupation, a fundamental right that must be upheld and defended.

We further demand [that] the United States government immediately end all aid and support to the […] occupation régime. Every year, our tax dollars fund $4 billion in weaponry to arm the occupier against the Palestinian people. This complicity in war crimes and genocide must immediately end.

We further demand that the United States cease its efforts to impose “normalization” projects on the Arab region through the so-called “Abraham Accords” and other attempts to legitimize Zionist colonialism in the region through bribery and illegitimate imperialist sanctions. The Palestinian resistance has exposed the bankruptcy of this project, and it must come to an end once and for all.

The United States has been part and parcel of the blockade of Gaza for over 16 years, imposing a siege on the Palestinian people that was meant to kill the resistance. However, the resistance has not been killed — it has flourished despite the brutality of the open-air prison imposed upon the Palestinians of Gaza. We demand not only the end of the crimes, but reparations to the Palestinian people for the reconstruction and development of Gaza and all of Palestine.