From a Facebook post:

Yesh Gvul is a pro‐peace group of […] soldiers and veterans who refused to serve the […] occupation of the Palestinian territories. This is a statement they just published to the [neocolony’s] public, reminding citizens that there is no military solution to the […] conflict, and that the only solution is a negotiated just peace.


You can support Yesh Gvul and similar peace and anti‐violence groups in [the neocolony] through this link:

Your immediate donations are critical to prevent escalation of the war in Gaza.

“There is no military solution — no to war, no to violence!

Now more than ever, it is important for us in the Yesh Gvul Movement to remember and remind others: there is no military solution to the circle of hate. Only the end of the occupation of the Palestinian territories, Palestinian independence, and a permanent political [peace] agreement will secure a peaceful future for Palestinians and [others].

Especially now, when the cannons are roaring: we cannot become involved in an all‐out war or the re‐occupation of the Gaza strip. It is time to end the occupation, pursue a political agreement, and get [neocolonialism] out of the Palestinian territories.”

It’s clear that immediate funds are critically needed to help groups on the ground. Your donations can help in amplifying the voices, messages, and actions of war resisters, in preventing escalation of violence, and in using this moment to build the movement for a just peace. You can donate through this link:

I donated $1 today.