What’s something low profile comrades say that communicate immediately that they know which side they fight for in the class struggle?

Example: if anyone in the wild speaks “material conditions”, or “bourgeois state”, out loud, I’m listening.

  • Imnecomrade
    1 year ago

    I know this doesn’t answer your question, but if you are looking to meet comrades, find your local communist party. If one doesn’t exist, there may be a pre-branch starting, and you should get in contact with a party like PSL to find out if there is one near you or even help start one. I contacted PSL and luckily found a pre-branch near me, and now I am helping with building it to become an official branch. I have met some pretty cool people this way. We come in all shapes and colors, and we each have our own mannerisms and come from different stages in our journey towards ML.

    If you are not from the US, I hope the same advice still applies.