• Star Wars Enjoyer OPMA
    -24 years ago

    The blue uniform is for the PLA Opposing Force, this force is used specifically for opposing western or imperialistic invasionary forces. The blue uniform makes them very instantly recognizable, which much like wildlife, is important for scaring away predators. We recently saw them deployed in Venezuela. Also, western media loves making them seem like the PLA’s main force, which they are not. So in videogames or movies where the PLA is wearing the blue uniform, odds are the group they’re fighting are the assholes of the story.

    • @fidel_castro
      54 years ago

      Seems to be this unit. According to that, an “opposing force” is a military unit that is used specifically to represent an enemy in traning exercises. So these soldiers would probably not see actual combat. And in Venezuela they would also be used to train the Venezuelan military.

      That is, unless there is a different meaning for the term “opposing force”, which I didnt see mentioned during my search.

    • Muad'DibberA
      54 years ago

      I read this in a nature-video narrating voice.