At least much awaited to me lol.

Want to try it out? Open prolewiki while logged out and click the button to edit a page! See for yourself what it does 😉

We’ve had a pervasive issue where you need to request an account to start making edits but the button is a bit hidden,t especially on the new Citizen skin. But it’s not super clear either way that one needs an account to be able to edit.

I’ve been throwing around the idea for at least a year of bringing up the edit button you see when you’re logged in but for non-logged in users. The usecase I’m envisioning is that you go on prolewiki, you read a bit, then you want to edit something, but there’s no button anywhere like you’d expect on Wikipedia for example. I imagine this is the usual user journey, and so it’s not immediately clear you can and need to request an account.

So all this little button does (which was a chore to get working and requires JS but the more I fail at mediawiki the more I learn) is look like the normal edit button but it takes you to the account request page. It might be a bit jarring to be expecting a visual editor to open and get the huge request account page with all the questions instead but this is still a pilot test and we’ll see if it helps improve account request rates!

I have to say this wouldn’t have been possible without chatgpt which helps me get started on those projects. It takes a lot of trial and error and especially human guidance to get something working (and you have to know what you want and how you want it otherwise it’s gonna tell you to reconfigure server files out of nowhere), but it’s really helpful to get the ball rolling on how to deploy this kind of solution. Same for the library and essays, I couldn’t have built them without some chatgpt help. It’s not bad at coding simple stuff either, especially lua for some reason. Well, it’s not really a surprise, the AI knows mediawiki more than me at this stage lol.

  • CriticalResist8OPA
    1 year ago

    You can also now self-quote cause all the big publications do it so why not us too right