My job is very dirty and labour intensive so i don’t understand why I make 1000 words a day on those days, but 200 words a day on weekends.
An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion
If you want something done ask a busy person to do it.
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My guess would be on the days you work, your body can stay in a working mode/mindset, whereas when you try to do so on non-work days, you have to force yourself into that mindset, which requires a lot of self control. It also might be your body telling you to take a break, and you’re overriding that feeling by writing.
You have ADHD? Because this is a pretty common thing for people with ADHD. Resting opens you up to getting locked in by executive dysfunction, but keeping busy and being able to bounce between things that you’re motivated to do lets you hyperfocus through a bunch of shit.
Because you probably would rather write than be doing your job?
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What does your writing mean to you? Can you find a meaningful relationship between what your writing means to you and what your work means to you?
Similarly, what do you weekends mean to you? Can you find a meaningful relationship between what your writing means to you and weekends?
I basically write about slavery and oppression so maybe my job gives me inspiration because it is backbreaking labor.
I have a couple of ideas. One is that variety promotes creativity. The other is that you might be thinking more deeply about your writing while you are away, but while you are forcing yourself to do it you are pushing it away.
Perhaps on the weekends you’ve had toomanyjoints.