isame [he/him]

  • 27 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I know this is badposting but whatever. I lost a tech job like a year ago and pivoted to a different industry. I haven’t even wanted to think about computers or code since. This is the first time I in a long time i had a moment like this, and I thought ‘huh, wonder if I could automate the curation of this slide show?’

    I thought through for a few moments a basic outline of how and decided yes, I could. I’m not going to do it as it doesn’t interest me that much. I don’t comment much. But it was really nice to have that moment of inspiration again. Thanks, comrade! Maybe I’ll find a project to work on soon.

  • To explain, the person testing you will check for temperature and appearance. If it’s too clear they may require another sample.

    I went through a state-run program called drug court (you can have a little doxxing, as a treat. Afaik not many states have this program) and if you pissed too clear they’d make you give another sample. They didn’t observe us directly, so maybe that’s why. Someone just stood outside the bathroom and listened.

    Refusal to give a new sample would result in a fail.

    For the record I was 100% sober whilst going through this program and it’s probably the best thing that happened to me. I chose not to be a CI and it got me (relatively) cheap outpatient rehab. 13+ hours a week of therapy and real consequences to my actions. ended a decade-long opiate addiction. So I never cheated on their tests, just conveying my experience.

    I did spend my teenage years doing through multiple, less punitive, programs, which is where I draw this experience from.

  • Didn’t read all the replies but here is how I used to do it.

    Drink a lot of water the night before and day of. Don’t get water poisoning but get real close. You want as much of your piss to be water as possible.

    Take a couple B12 vitamins a couple hours before the test. They will make you piss yellow even if it’s all water.

    That said, you might still be fucked. I’ve used this method to pass a test in under 24 hours but YMMV. My metabolism is ridiculous.

    Good luck, comrade.

  • Not gonna lie, I did this. I know this is badposting but stay awhile and listen.

    I’m 33. I’ve been a drug addict since I was 15. Somewhere along the line I realized I could drink and no one cares! So I don’t shoot oxy anymore; no heroin, no morphine. But I drink like a fish and people praise me for being a functioning alcoholic.

    No one praised me for being a functioning opiate addict. Or an Adderall addict. Even a caffeine addict. Hell, people give me shit for how much weed I smoke.

    But drinking is just fine.

    Of all the problems in American culture this is pretty small. But goddamn.