The four smaller stars on the PRC flag are not supposed to be all upright, they need to point at the larger star. If I remember right, the four smaller stars are the workers, peasants, intellectuals, and national bourgeoisie, and the large star is the Party.
I really like the star with the 5 AES flags! Is there any way to isolate that part as a separate image? If so, I’d love to use it as a pfp or screensaver if that’s ok with you
here, i hope thats what you mean
PERFECT! It looks great, would it be ok to use it as a Pfp
ofcourse you can use it, all my art is free to use for my fellow comrades
Thank you, you’re the best!
What do the various scripts say? I can almost read the Chinese, but I can’t quite see it all, and I don’t know any of the other languages, though I recognize what appears to Vietnamese?
oh excuse me, i used google translate for the scripts so they might be a little off, but they are supposed to say “to the future” in vitenamese, chinese (simplified), spanish, laotian and korean
No worries! Rock on, thanks for sharing!