France, in particular, has used the CFA franc to keep West and Central African nations undeveloped — and from ports to mineral deals has forced African countries into deeply unequal economic relationships. Despite their boats of “aid” in 2021, “aid” to Niger amounted to $1.37 a week per Nigerien; only 7 cents were spent on education and 15 cents on supporting health care services.

Appealing to “democracy,” blaming Russia and various other excuses are born out of desperation as [neo]imperialism loses its grip on the African continent. The military forces of the NATO countries are no longer able to enforce a deeply unequal order. Africans understand what’s going on, and won’t take it any longer. French neocolonialism is the most odious manifestation of a broader set of policies backed by the G7 nations to keep Africa in chains; the uprising against it is the first step in removing those shackles.