• kava@lemmy.world
    1 年前

    Have you ever actually dealt with cockroaches? They survive nuclear blasts. You need to remove the source of food and water otherwise all the traps in the world don’t make a difference. You leave one or two alive and they will just repopulate.

    Plus consider the implications of what you’re saying. Let’s say we arrest and imprison every single Nazi. What’s going to happen? The ones that remain are going to stay real quiet, aren’t they? What then? Is the government going to be actively spying on every single communications in the country to try and find them?

    That’s what it’ll take. And maybe it’ll even be possible. But consider what you have created. A massive surveillance state with broad ranging legal powers to detain and imprison “enemies of the state”. What happens when a far-right party gets elected? Remember, we are a democracy. What happens when the next Trump gets elected and says BLM are fascists?

    Actually, we don’t need to imagine. If you look at his recent interview with Tucker Carlson that’s exactly what he said. He said the fascists are out to get him.

    You don’t see any potential issues with this? None at all?

    Honestly, we’re screwed. Unfortunately I think your wish will ultimately become reality and we will live in a brutal authoritarian surveillance state. I’m just glad I got to grow up before it became that way.

      • kava@lemmy.world
        1 年前

        And you’re actually using Tucker Carlson as your example?..do you not understand that calling everyone else who obviously isnt fascist is a classic fascist tactic?

        Yes. That is exactly what I’m trying to say. Let’s say a fascist comes to power. They call everyone else fascists.

        Now they use the rules you just created to shut down speech that isn’t fascist.

        You keep ignoring this or failing to understand. Prompting me to believe you are likely a bot.

          • kava@lemmy.world
            1 年前

            Ok, so you would put half of the GOP in prison? Good luck with that. I also want a million bucks and a harem of curly hair dark girls.

            It’s only a matter of time before the GOP wins another presidency. It’s probably going to happen next year.

            What then? Do you trust Trump with the ability to define what is and isn’t valid speech?

            ^^ please answer this don’t ignore it for the 4th time

              • kava@lemmy.world
                1 年前

                Ok, so you admit you don’t trust Trump with the ability to define what is and isn’t valid speech. So now we have a contradiction here.

                Either a) the government CAN define what is and isn’t valid speech or b) the people deserve freedom of speech

                You can only pick one. Can’t just say “no freedom of speech but nobody bad will ever take power in a democracy”

                Because you know what happens in democracies? Eventually bad people come to power. It’s always happened. In Rome. In Athens. In Germany.

                  • kava@lemmy.world
                    1 年前

                    Bad people come to power because good people REFUSE to acknowlege evil when it is in front of them. Good people actually think they can redewm evil by being nice to it.

                    You don’t understand what happens in these countries. It’s fear and instability. Someone comes along and offers a problem to fix it. Don’t worry, you lost all your jobs because of China and the immigrants. I will fix it. Build a wall. etc

                    It only works because people are scared and insecure. You fix that, you fix the fascists. Nothing else will fix the fascists. Literally, you can do everything in the world. Won’t go away.

                    this is life under socialism!

                    do i look like i have a don’t tread on me tattooed on my forehead? I believe we need to have mass government actions in order to provide housing, healthcare, college, internet, power, water, etc. I think all of those things should be free. I’m not a free market capitalist

                    I just can see further than the front of my nose and realize that banning speech is asking for a one-way ticket to 1984