• kava@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Ok, so you admit you don’t trust Trump with the ability to define what is and isn’t valid speech. So now we have a contradiction here.

    Either a) the government CAN define what is and isn’t valid speech or b) the people deserve freedom of speech

    You can only pick one. Can’t just say “no freedom of speech but nobody bad will ever take power in a democracy”

    Because you know what happens in democracies? Eventually bad people come to power. It’s always happened. In Rome. In Athens. In Germany.

      • kava@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Bad people come to power because good people REFUSE to acknowlege evil when it is in front of them. Good people actually think they can redewm evil by being nice to it.

        You don’t understand what happens in these countries. It’s fear and instability. Someone comes along and offers a problem to fix it. Don’t worry, you lost all your jobs because of China and the immigrants. I will fix it. Build a wall. etc

        It only works because people are scared and insecure. You fix that, you fix the fascists. Nothing else will fix the fascists. Literally, you can do everything in the world. Won’t go away.

        this is life under socialism!

        do i look like i have a don’t tread on me tattooed on my forehead? I believe we need to have mass government actions in order to provide housing, healthcare, college, internet, power, water, etc. I think all of those things should be free. I’m not a free market capitalist

        I just can see further than the front of my nose and realize that banning speech is asking for a one-way ticket to 1984

        • cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
          1 year ago

          How do we fix the insecurities of alt right white supremacists who spend their free time getting off on antagonizing people for the sake of upsetting someone?

          Some of them even want someone to try and fix them so they can use that for their own personal entertainment.

          • kava@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            It’s not those men you really need to fix. It’s the people who initially voted for Trump. Rust belt, blue collar, white anerican, etc.

            These people had essentially been abandoned and Trump took them up as their hero.

            If the economy was booming in the Rust belt, they would have never gotten Trump elected in the first place.

              • kava@lemmy.world
                1 year ago

                Nearly half of the country views Trump positively. If all of those fall into your definition of “alt-righters” then yes. But I see the alt-right as different than most moderate Republicans.

                Ie business owners who are cool with gays, aren’t overtly racist, support abortion, etc and supported Trump for tax reasons.

                  • kava@lemmy.world
                    1 year ago

                    Doesn’t do them any justice to call them gullible. Majority of people on both sides are gullible. The main thing I’m trying to say is these people historically were blue. They weren’t red. But what happens when you see your town falling apart, drug epidemic, all the jobs leave, crime increases, all the young people start moving away, you have trouble paying bills, hard to get groceries, etc

                    In your perspective, you’re witnessing the disintegration of America.

                    Then you have someone who addresses you directly and gives you a reason why (immigrants, “marxists”, china, etc) and sells you on symbolic solutions (the “Wall” tm)

                    You can’t just chalk this all up to gullibility.

                    If people were having happy stable lives where their needs were being met financially and emotionally, they wouldn’t vote for these proto-fascists. This is the key issue we need to address. This hostile attitude towards half the country will only further serve the interests of the fascists - by helping them justify a lot of their talk about “witch hunts” and “hoaxes” etc