"…Like the propaganda from NATO’s mainstream media in regards to the war in Ukraine exaggerating news in favor of the Kiev regime and minimizing any achievements by the Russian Army, the propagandists for Al Qaeda in Syria are doing the same, and in most of the times inventing baseless news to raise the morale among their terrorists, especially fabricating news of Syrian Army’s losses in soldiers. Based on the reports by the Al Qaeda propagandists, there must have been dozens of funerals of Syrian Army soldiers every week, at least.

We celebrate the martyrdom of our soldiers defending their country for more than 12.5 years against the unprecedented war of terrorism by the NATO ‘defensive’ alliance led by the USA comprised of literally hundreds of heavily armed, well-fed, and funded terrorist groups, in addition to providing them with state of the art medical treatment, communication devices, and intelligence information while even stealing the food and fuel from the Syrian people."