• davel
    1 year ago

    Finding myself in agreement with realists like Mearsheimer & Kissinger and with radlibs like Chris Hedges and with anti-communist socialists like Chomsky and with actual communists—it’s a motley crew, the common denominator being corporate media blackout.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OPM
      1 year ago

      It’s pretty hilarious how the west keeps pushing the narrative that the differentiating factor with liberal democracies is the freedom of expression. Liberals argue that their model of society is stronger precisely because wide range of debate is allowed, and thus different view points can be considered. Turns out that in practice that’s not the case at all. Liberals have shown themselves to be incapable of entertaining any ideas outside their narrow world view.

      It’s the height of irony that societies such as Cuba and China that liberals denounce as being authoritarian and rigid have proven themselves to be highly flexible and adaptable while the “free thinking” west has become the bastion of intellectual rigidity.

    • cfgaussian
      1 year ago

      As much as we might sometimes like to think otherwise, we communists do not have a monopoly on recognizing reality when it is staring us in the face. It is inevitable that there will be other people coming from a different ideological perspective who also see the objective facts and can make a rational analysis. In general there is only so much narrative management that the imperial establishment can do before reality starts leaking out in various spots all along the political ideological spectrum.

      Of course even when there is a general acknowledgement of the facts and an attempt to apply rational analysis, different people will still come to different conclusions based on their own ideological biases, and as a communist i can say that even when it comes to Ukraine there is a lot that i vehemently disagree with Mearsheimer, Hedges and Chomsky on, let alone the war criminal Kissinger (but this should go without saying and in his case it is clear why he has been saying the things he has because his main interest is in maintaining American global hegemony and he sees that the Ukraine gambit has massively backfired and is threatening the larger imperial project).

      However it is helpful to have this pool of different voices to draw from when trying to educate the average citizen of the West, who is in general extremely ignorant and very much brainwashed by the mainstream media, about the lies that they have been and continue to be told about this conflict. Considering the impending economic crisis that is brewing, if we manage to sufficiently undermine the narrative basis upon which support for this war is built, the imperial establishment may have no choice but to scale down its warmongering until it can restore the control over the narrative lest it faces too much unrest at home. Or it could choose to double down, but at this point i think that would just accelerate their demise.

      1 year ago

      Then we find a common agreement with the BJP in India… Geopolitics is really interesting 🤔 😜