“On 15 March 2018, Savchenko claimed that “people now lawmakers” were involved with the deadly sniper shootings during the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution and that the government that came to power after the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution did not want to fully investigate these shootings”

This is a woman - who at the start of the conflict was hailed as a heroic fighter pilot - who joined the Aydar batallion, but got captured and imprisoned by the russians. when she tried forming a political party (cringe at her idols!!!) she was imprisoned by Ukraine herself.

Coming from a rightwing insider and former extremist from the far fringes, this is a relevant testimony to our cause from THEIR side.

  • BreadbeardOP
    62 years ago

    folks, i m not endorsing this rightwing crazy woman, but she did say a few things that coming from her political side should be taken into account and can twist the narrative in our favor, since this is evidence, i really do not understand the person who downvoted without a comment at least.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer MA
      62 years ago

      It seems there are a few people who will downvote anything posted on this community, simply because we don’t tell the western narative.

      • BreadbeardOP
        42 years ago

        ah the astroturf, it spills over. first from 4chan to 8chan, then to reddit, and now from reddit onwards…