Here’s the wikipedia article explaining why these elections are taking place earlier.
The Citizen Revolution Movement(, do you remember Rafael Correa ?,) also won the first round of parliamentary elections :

And they held a referendum as well yesterday :

Also, here’s an interesting report :

  • albigu
    1 year ago

    Hot damn, that’s a huge surge for Villavivencio. If his replacement declares critical support for González on the second round, I suppose this election is pretty much settled. Interesting turn of events. Obligatory USA get fucked.

    Edit: I’m a bit confused at how Noboa got such a large vote share when every poll I’ve seen has him trailing Topíc by a lot.

    Edit 2: okay, things developed so fast that I completely missed that Andrea González got replaced as the Villavivencio replacement by Zurita, which might reduce even more the chances of an alliance later on. At this point, disconsider any appearance of “I know what I’m talking about” that I might have.