• cfgaussian
    1 year ago

    When neither side trusts each other what else can you do? If you disarm yourself you just give an advantage to the enemy. And until the US empire is defeated it will be a perpetual enemy to all nations that do not want to bend the knee to the unipolar world order. Any apparent detente so far has only turned out to be a ploy to lull the enemies of the US into a false sense of security and into willingly weakening themselves. Libya fell for it and look what happened to them. The DPRK didn’t and they are still around.

      • cfgaussian
        1 year ago

        Sure, that’s reasonable, but that was already kind of an unspoken agreement seeing as it is generally acknowledged that cluster munitions are problematic. I mean Russia and the US never banned cluster weapons but a lot of NATO countries did. And yet even those that had an explicit ban not only haven’t said anything or tried to oppose sending these munitions to Ukraine, but some of them even suddenly “found” that they did have some stocks left that they could send.

        • The only types of WMDs I’m gonna let communist Philippines have are nukes, cluster bombs, and gas. Those things are the most damaging, yes but the scope and the amount of cleanup to do later can be limited if used right. Biological weapons? Big no, I’m not gonna risk making a disease that jumps on humans - especially if it leads to a pandemic down the road - just because I want to defend say against Malaysia. The potential long term effects of biological weapons are simply too dangerous imo.