What are the best arguments against the existence of landlords, from an economic, social and Marxist standpoint?

  • WTOS
    4 years ago

    There’s always one who goes “yeah but they invest and stuff. Investing is good! Landlords are good!” but they forget about the fact that they invest insofar as they’ve insulated themselves in a market. There’s one LL firm that owns all the real estate in my area, and there’s another one down the road that does the same for them. Rent increases on a regular basis and the reason given is useless cosmetics and beautification, like $100 increase on changing the balcony glass inserts. Oh, and the rent never goes down once it’s complete. Gee I wonder why? The goddamn elevators don’t work! Someone nearly drowned in a fucking elevator from rainwater flooding because it was built on flood-prone land with absolutely zero safety precautions against it. Again, gee I wonder why?

    Like, if I started a business of kicking guys in the balls, and some schmuck down the street starts a bodyguard business to protect against my business, suddenly we’re both valuable? Oh, if you don’t want to be kicked in the balls, just hire the guy who doesn’t kick you in the balls. If you get rid of the ball-kicking business, you kill all the jobs of the ball-protectors and the investment opportunities of the ball-kicking enterprise. Tim’s neighborhood doesn’t have anyone kicking his nuts! Like, dude, the money involved in this socially legitimized CBT scheme doesn’t actually do anything. Stop letting me kick you in the nuts just because I do it to a lot of people.