Commenting on the significance of the vote, AAA President Ramona Perez said in a statement: “By means of these actions, AAA will contribute to raising critical awareness of the dynamics of peace and conflict in the region, draw attention to the disproportionate suffering of the Palestinian people as a result of the Occupation and what can be done about it, and expand the space for dialogue on these sensitive and important human rights and academic freedom issues.”

Just seven years ago, a similar vote to boycott [a neocolony] was defeated. However, the recent third Intifada (uprising or resistance) in the Occupied Territories has elevated a tremendous spurt of global solidarity with the Palestinian people and growing isolation and condemnation of the Zionist régime.

The BDS movement thanked the AAA and those who took the time to “learn from and listen to Indigenous Palestinian voices,” calling the vote “wholly consistent with the association’s stated commitment to anti-racism, equality, human rights and social justice and furthers the drive to decolonize anthropology and academia in general.” (, July 24)