I love Pokémon, it’s my special interest, I’ve been playing since Gen 1 and have pretty extensive knowledge about the Pokémon world.

However since becoming a communist I’ve realized that a lot of things are missing from the world, including basic functions on how everything works. Just the presence of police implies there are laws that have to be enforced, which in turn implies people write those laws, etc. We know that there was an industrial revolution, which led to capitalism, being the economic system in all Pokémon regions, meaning all of the contradictions that come with it. There was a war that took place, as alluded to by Lt. Surge, who might actually be from Unova.

In the manga there’s the Pokémon Association (PA), a legislative body that determines the laws involving Pokémon, similar to Congress here in the U.S., with each region apparently having its own PA.

In the anime they have the Pokémon Inspection Agency (PIA) that inspects Gyms to see if they’re up to par.

They don’t explicitly talk about politics and political views (obviously because the series is marketed to kids) but I think exploring these mechanisms could be really interesting, if not for the fact that Pokémon adds another layer to politics because they’re creatures with a material effect on the world.

Some people might be more left leaning when it comes to economics and social issues, but might be more right leaning when it comes to trainer regulations.

I’m curious to know what other people think, I’m actually writing a story that explores some of these themes so I’d love to get some ideas!

  • taiphlosionOP
    1 year ago

    Exactly! There’s so much that isn’t explicitly given to us but we know there has to be ways that the world functions… otherwise it just doesn’t function.

    I can’t accept that everything is happy go lucky and no one has any real problems, which is why I like to use the manga for more reference in how the world could work in a more practical sense (ignoring, of course some of the ridiculous nonsense that it sometimes peddles).

    • DamarcusArt
      1 year ago

      Indeed, my (planned and probably never complete) comic is directly inspired by the manga more than anything else, as it tends to have the most substance and also the most stakes and character.