However, the real game changer was the growing success of the armed wing of the African National Congress — uMkhonto we Sizwe.

During her heroic address to Congress, prior to a July 18 vote to support [the occupation of Palestine] and deny it is an apartheid and racist state, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Michigan) told Congress, “Don’t forget, apartheid South Africa once had bipartisan support in Congress too.”

Tlaib is the first Palestinian American woman elected to Congress. During the debate on the pro-[neocolonial] resolution, Tlaib delivered a scathing indictment of [the neocolony’s populicidal] policies impacting Palestinians. She quoted from current [neocolonial] Prime Minister Netanyahu, who recently said about Palestinians: “Beat them up not once, but repeatedly. Beat them up until it’s unbearable.” And he said [that the neocolony] must: “Crush Palestinian hopes for a fully sovereign state.”

Tlaib and nine other colleagues boycotted [neocolonial] President Isaac Herzog’s address to a joint session of Congress. A press release from Tlaib and Rep. Cori Bush (D-Missouri), who also voted against the resolution, read in part: “It’s contradictory to claim to support human rights when you’re arming the oppressors with billions of dollars of bullets and bombs. It is hypocritical to claim to be deeply concerned about attacks on Palestinian families, and then smile for a photo op with the president of the government enabling these human rights abuses and maintaining the status quo.

“The facts are clear, and the international consensus is resounding — [the neocolony] is an apartheid state. To assert otherwise in the face of the colossal body of evidence and the consensus of the United Nations, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, B’Tselem — the largest human rights organization in [the neocolony] — and countless others is to deny this reality.” (

The lopsided congressional vote came as no surprise. [The neocolony] is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid — $150 billion between 1999 and 2022. The U.S. is [the neocolony’s] largest trading partner, with bilateral trade at $50 billion by 2023. Much like their relationship with apartheid South Africa, U.S. corporate investments in [the occupation of Palestine] are the deciding factor behind any congressional vote.

But as with South Africa, the progressive anti-[neocolonial] movement, including the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign, is growing. And the militancy of Palestinian resistance is also on the rise in what many now call the third Intifada.