Maybe I’m old but I used to see it at every anti-war protest. Anarchists give out stuff for free. No I don’t wanna buy your boring issue of Workers World or whatever

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    112 years ago

    There’s a few avenues to this, but to not repeat what said i’ll only mention one.

    Anarchism, Trotskyism, and Gonzolo’s “Maoism” have all been used by the CIA (and the FBI) to push anti-communist leftism in leftist spaces. This is a big reason why the American left is so fractured, and it’s why so-called “leftists” use mass gathering events to try to peddle their ideology via newspaper sales and whatnot. To put this directly, there’s a decent chance the person walking around BLM protests handing out trot or MLM literature is actually a fed - and if not directly a fed then they’ve been influenced by feds. The point of the literature is to sway angry protesters away from Marxism-Leninism, and towards ideologies that the feds know won’t threaten the status quo.

    That’s also why democratic socialists vulture on these movements, the same with “libertarian” communists. The status quo must be protected from MLs, as MLs are the only people who truly scare the elite.