Many sites like “Elude” work perfectly without javascript, allowing their use through tools to escape censorship such as Tor.

Why doesn’t Lemmygrad implement this too?

    32 years ago

    It does run on tor, you just have to enable javascript, losing some of the benefits of tor.

    Either way, this isn’t the place for putting state secrets that make you fear for your life. There are already better tools for that, and lemmy was never trying to be that.

    If you want a lemmy instance that does, make your own.

    You’re clearly not a developer, so you don’t understand that what you’re asking is for the lemmy devs to start the frontend over from scratch. Additionally, for most normal users who don’t have your specific needs, JavaScript powered webpages are likely preferable. In a perfect world, there would be both a JS-free and a JS version of the web page to cater to both categories.

    We don’t live in that perfect world, sorry. Feel free to dedicate thousands of hours to learning to program and then hundreds or thousands more to implement the feature you want. We’d all appreciate your contribution.

      02 years ago

      It’s not about state secrets…it is about user rights which is paramount to the free software movement. If developers really feel JS is necessary (its not) they should at least limit themselves to libre-js (they don’t).

        32 years ago

        If you want to tell us how to do our work, then you should pay us. Otherwise, the software is available as is.

          12 years ago

          I think you mis-understood my comment, I was only pointing out fsf philosophy which isn’t solely to hide “state secrets”, I have no problem using as is (since obviously, I am).

            22 years ago

            Sure, I’m in favor of user rights, too, but that’s not what this OP was complaining about. I’m barely contributing anything to Dessalines’ patreon, so I’m not about to make any demands about how they do anything. I’m very glad the devs have taken the time they have to do all this great work on lemmy.