I used hanzii to translate some text in this comic to Chinese. If anyone on this sub speaks Chinese, give a more accurate translation. Thanks!

  • @folahtM
    2 years ago

    I don’t speak Chinese.

    Do you do requests?

    I can think of a couple of events and topics to draw.

    Starting with drawing this (NSFW) event

    And paraphrasing what the man said that the rioters felt warranted to set a man on fire.

    • The Free PenguinOP
      12 years ago

      i don’t see what this vid has to do with communism. POL is a communist webcomic I made to combat stonetoss

      • @folahtM
        32 years ago

        I already found one such image today.

      • @folahtM
        2 years ago

        “i don’t see what this vid has to do with communism.”

        It’s one example of the bankruptcy of U.S. capitalist’s narratives, that being the example, leader and natural umpire of free speech, free trade and democracy.

        Perhaps I misremembered, but I remember seeing the video subtitled with the green shirted man telling the rioters to stop fighting, which prompted them to set him on fire.

        “Freedom of Speech” has then become “Setting people on fire when you disagree with them”.

        Since I can’t find the subtitled version, perhaps this is not the strongest, but I’ll make a list of all the things that comes to my mind that should be present in a single political web comic.

        Here’s my list:

        “We care about the Afghan people” -> American dogs in a plane, while the Afghan people are falling of the it’s wings.

        “We care about the Afghan women” -> With bombs just days later.

        “China is genociding muslims in Xinjiang” -> “China needs to take in Afghan muslim refugees.”

        U.S. to the Netherlands “Buy Russian gas!? Are you crazy!?” -> Netherlands to world: “We Dutch are not going to buy Russian gas. We have principles. We can proudly state that from now on we’ll buy U.S. gas from LNG boats instead.” -> LNG boats from the U.S. “We’re being fined for not being U.S. boats” -> U.S. buying Russian gas on it’s way back.

        The “no dogs or Chinese allowed” sign is something from it’s colonial past.
        Unless you know of a recent example, I can’t recall seeing it.

        A more recent example of “Let the axe murderer go free.” as that would be a more relevant sign, as the trigger for the protests was all about the HK gov wanting to extraditing an axe murderer to Taiwan.
        “Let all rioting murderers go free” would also be accurate because it’s one of the five demands.
        Perhaps it should be shown with an accompanying signs saying “Five demands no less” and “Hong Kong should follow rule of law.” or then have them blended into one sign saying “Hong Kong should follow the rule of law and murderers of our choice should be set free, which is non-negotiable.”

        It’s examples like these that I think are very strong examples of how of a mixed message the capitalist one is and how communism is not.

        But I see you want to combat stonetoss.
        I’ll look into his comic then.
        I’ll see if I can find some gems for criticism on there.


        Okay, first thing that comes to mind is that stonetoss has this ‘communism = poverty’ thing going on. It’s thus best to showcase that the US got rich from fossil fuels, but is now failing due to bad policy, even though it has had the most fossil fuels by far in the world. It’s gotten the US in debt.

      • loathesome dongeater
        2 years ago

        The video is of anti-Beijing seccessionist rioters of Hong Kong setting the man ablaze for some reason.

      • @folahtM
        2 years ago

        Perhaps I misremembered, but I remember seeing the video subtitled with the green shirted man telling the rioters to stop fighting, which prompted them to set him on fire.

        In any case, it’s an example of “how to pro-Democracy advocates with US characteristics like to solve disputes when someone disagrees”.

        • loathesome dongeater
          22 years ago

          Yeah these “protest” were pretty nuts. If you follow western media their righteousness seemed unquestionable but then you look at incidents of violence and the unironic waving of flags of their former colonizers and they start looking like a nightmare. I am very glad these protests were eventually stomped without causing a single fatality.