Hey y’all, In the past I had arranged that /f/piracy in raddle.me would be the fallback forum for /r/piracy, but I recently noticed that raddle.me has disabled new user registrations and that would be a problem in case we need it.

And with reddit about to go public, it might be needed.

Instead of trying to spin up my own lemmy instance, I was thinking if I could get a mod position in this forum and specify it as the official /r/piracy fallback instead.

Feel free to PM me in reddit for verification.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    02 years ago

    Are you sure there are many such other people? We would need more than 1-2 anon testimonies to atleast know if this is a trend. OP mod and community have been pretty cooperative with The Eye, and that looks to me like a decent sign.