Diverging from the site developer’s political views even slightly results in a ban. Lemmy is not for all types of communism, only the type the site creators believe in and enforce.

Hopefully this notice will save new users from wasting their time.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    134 years ago

    That’s not entirely true. We support all communists, and we’ll accept libertarian-types. But, we won’t allow anti-communism. Most - if not all - of our bans against non-marxists was because they were being anti-communist or anti-Marxist. We wouldn’t ban a Trot for talking about the Internationale, we wouldn’t ban a Maoist for airing their grievances with the Deng era, and we wouldn’t ban an Anarchist talking about Anarchist theory - so long as that Anarchist theory isn’t anti-communist.

    Take your shipsinking elsewhere.

    • @Provinto
      4 years ago

      What anarchist theory is not communist?

      Edit: Didn’t realize how inactive this community was. Didn’t mean to comment on something months old.