did you know that it is ableist to write in that way? It’s used to mock disabled people
did you know that it is ableist to write in that way? It’s used to mock disabled people
I’m surprised, because it’s not primitivist.
Also known as “The Sand Book”, it can be accessed quickly at readdesert.org.
It’s not without flaws for its green anarchist focuses, US-centrism, and whiteness, but is an accessible green text with meaningful and liberating thought lines to follow.
Separately, I’m curious as to why you think you even need to ask if mutualism may be included?
Mutualism is fine. The C4SS style of anarchism is interesting, especially for highlighting the weaknesses of a solely class-based economic analysis. But yeah we won’t tolerate anybody proposing capitalism as mutualism, so so long as you’re what you say you are you’re all good.
Thanks! I’m going to try to only ever post good reads :)
How come you haven’t ditched weird terms like FTM and MTF? Binary trans people are generally not first cis people. Just say trans women and trans men and enbies.
Not Your Mom’s Trans 101 is a straightforward though not forgiving outline of better ways to think about trans things.
This was amusing and interesting, thanks.
This speculative history of the wayward is an effort to narrate the open rebellion and beautiful experiment produced by young black women in the emergent ghetto, a form of racial enclosure that succeeded the plantation. The narrative utilizes the reports and case files of the reformatory, private investigators, psychologists, and social workers to challenge the primary tenets of these accounts, the most basic of these assumptions being that the lives represented required intervention and rehabilitation and that the question Who are you? is indistinguishable from one’s status as a social problem. The method is critical fabulation. State violence, surveillance, and detention produce the archival traces and institutional records that inform the reconstruction of these lives; but desire and the want of something better decide the contours of the telling. The narrative emulates the errant path of the wayward and strives to convey the aspiration and longing of riotous colored girls.
Ah, I was confused, I’m new to the site. Thanks for the clarification!
I see. I’m trans and anarchist, you might wanna co-mod with me? It’s a bit odd you’re running an anarchist forum as someone who’s not anarchist!
Who’s Narchos, btw?
I’m surprised you think this. Have you read much anarchist theory?
More surprising even is how you really think anarchists are this silly.
Anarchists of Marx’s time were were highly influential on Marx, such as Bakunin and Stirner, and Marx was often engaging directly with their work, adjusting his own views as he did.
There’s a lovely podcast by Marxist Revolutionary Left Radio in conversation with anarchist Mark Bray that presents differences in such a way that actually takes seriously both positions, you might want to engage it as a basic introduction to anarchism. It’s here, if you are curious.
In what sense are anarchists idealists?
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What do you think trans rights look like, from an anarchist perspective - since we are no accepting of governing bodies which would be able to administer or enforce rights?
Personally it seem to me to be useful to avoid reformist rights discourse.
There’s also the classic text, African Anarchism. Very useful for highlighting how so many of the african continent’s political systems were inherently anarchic prior to colonisation and how many of them continue to resist anarchically. Also useful against any of those who like to pretend that hierarchical forms of socialism have some kind of priority in Africa.