I’m considering helping out with a particular organization that helps North Korean refugees, but am curious to hear the thoughts of people at Lemmygrad.

This is NOT a troll post, I’m genuinely interested in thoughts of more pro-China/NK individuals on the topic.

A little bit about me:

  • Politically unaligned, just want to make the world a better place
  • Contributor of FOSS/various non-profits in the past

There may be ways I can contribute to society better than this, but it’s also better than nothing. I’m more curious to hear thoughts on if or why it might be more bad than neutral.

(Not linking organization directly - DM if interested)

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    72 years ago

    Judging by people in the country almost always having overwhelmingly positive things to say about the DPRK, defectors often being unreliable sources who change their stories often when interrogated by the SK police, and defectors often wishing to return to the DPRK… you’ve gotta ask who are the people this organization helps?

    • @CriticalResist8A
      82 years ago

      Yeah, that’s the first step. Where are they located, who do they help, and how do they help them? People who leave the DPRK to go to South Korea for example face classism and their passport is taken away if they might possibly eventually be a flight risk (meaning they want to go back to their country). These people need help. But they need help getting their passport back and in the meantime need their basic needs filled. They don’t need help integrating into capital list society long term.

      People like yeonmi park who keep making more ridiculous shit up and make thousands of off it are not the norm, but they don’t need any help.

      • @OsrsNeedsF2POP
        2 years ago

        Tagging (@Farmer_Heck@lemmygrad.ml for relevancy)

        This organization in particular helps people who have left the DPRK but want to resettle in a quasi-socialist country. So maybe they’re in SK right now but want to begin life somewhere else entirely, or are in other countries in the surrounding region.

        The type of help the organization gives is resettlement and basic needs for the purpose of integration, not for the purpose of returning back to their homeland.

        Does this sound yay or nay?

        • @CriticalResist8A
          62 years ago

          I think that will depend entirely on who the NGO takes on.

          Helping immigrants acclimate to their new country is generally good. You should however also look at what they’re doing on the ground (which you’ve probably done), because integration can mean different things to different people. If you send me the org I can take a look at their website.

          But remember that the guy who wrote Escape from camp 13 was a pedophile wanted in the DPRK for such a crime. It’s important to understand who the people that leave their country are (they are not all the same) and why… there’s different reasons to emigrate. And different reasons to bring in (or refuse to bring in) immigrants. These are questions only you can answer.

          At the very least, you can try volunteering with them and see if you like it. You might learn things about the DPRK talking to them.