Mine is probably Sekiro. I really dislike the story being about feudal Japan and the main character being the grunt for a privileged asshole but the combat and bosses are so good. I don’t think any game will ever top that.

To see how good the game is, compare it to J*di Knight: Fallen Order, which is essentially meant to be a clone of Sekiro but is so lacklustre in comparison.

  • @comrade_edelgard
    64 years ago

    My favorite game of all time is Dragon Age Origins! Besides enjoying the fun high fantasy adventure, I picked it up right around the time I was starting to question my sexuality so it was pretty affirming to have a romance option with another girl. I know the game has some flaws with its approach to “gray morality” but overall I really like the varied role-playing options it has as well.

    • loathesome dongeaterOP
      4 years ago

      Making out with another male character as the male Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 3 (another Bioware game) was how I foudn out being gay was a thing. In my defense I was a sheltered cis het kid in a country that isn’t LGBT friendly.