• Dreeg OcedamOP
      33 years ago

      Is there any reason to believe that this would work?

      In 2018 France had some of the largest social unrest which started due to a small carbon tax on gas. I don’t think people are really ready for a revolution on the grounds of ecology…

      Anyway, most revolts/revolutions are diverted from their original goals and a few people take power, while the uncertainty of everything hurts many.

      • LunaticHacker
        23 years ago

        People aren’t ready to vote on the grounds of ecology either, I live in one of the largest democracies.just ask yourselves what are the grounds on which people in your country vote on?

        When was the last time voting caused systemic change? voting is made to sustain the system , it will never allow you to tear it apart. a Revolution will destroy the current system and replace it with a better one.

        Reform will not solve the climate change, but a radical change in our consumption model will, such a change is inevitable either through a Revolution or through collapse of our Eco-system. one of these options will have more suffering than other. that’s the reason to believe in revolution

        • Dreeg OcedamOP
          13 years ago

          just ask yourselves what are the grounds on which people in your country vote on

          If people don’t vote with ecology in mind do you think they’re going to start a revolution for it?

          • LunaticHacker
            23 years ago

            No, both of these things require educating the masses, point is that only one of them is effective for systemic change.

            • Dreeg OcedamOP
              13 years ago

              Ronald Reagan was elected and managed to significantly impact the American economy (for the worse, it lead to a large increase in inequality). Why don’t you believe that the same can be done the other way?

              • LunaticHacker
                33 years ago

                Neoliberal polices doesn’t challenge capitalism it extends it. Environmental policies directly challenges capitalism how is this comparable?

      • @Matheo_bis@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        The main weakness of the Yellow vest unrest was that the mouvment lacked of an unified vision. Ecology was only one of the many, many things the YV stood for.

        The French peopole hate EVERY politician, but are too lazy to revolt. Here is the French paradox

        • Dreeg OcedamOP
          3 years ago

          French peopole hate EVERY politician, but are too lazy to revolt

          As if it wasn’t the same all around the world.

          lacked of an unified vision

          As would any popular revolution

          Ecology was only one of the many, many things the YV stood for

          It was really one of the least important of their concerns, what sparked the protest was a carbon tax…