i started watching TNG on a whim a few months back and have recently finished it. i’m starting in on DS9 now but I gotta know: are any of these TNG movies worth watching? i was pretty happy with how the show ended but if there’s still some good TNG stuff to watch i gotta watch it lol

  • @calmlamp
    4 years ago

    They’re definitely quite different from the shows. First Contact was my favorite TNG movie. Generations is a distant second. I can’t rate Insurrection other than to say that I’ve tried to watch it about 5 times and can’t get through it. Nemesis is just garbage, but it has a couple plot points that are the launching point for Picard. You could get away with reading the plot summary on Wikipedia, it’s really quite an atrocious movie. The high point of the film was the opening scene in the Romulan Senate, which, while a horrible scene overall, was well executed in my opinion.