What do you want lemmy to be? What do you hope to find here? I myself want this to be a privacy and technology focused new Reddit with rich community interaction and forming of real communities.

  • QuentinCallaghan
    113 years ago

    Here are some of my expectations:

    • Decentralization, discussion should be spread more and not confined into one instance
    • Diversity of interests, getting users that have also other interests than just privacy and technology
    • With decentralization I hope that it also reveals the diversity of opinions and interests so that no Reddit-like monoculture develops
    • From a moderation standpoint I hope that the rules are respected and no Voatification happens
    • @marmulak@lemmy.ml
      113 years ago

      no Voatification

      Yeah Voat was one of the first Reddit alternatives I heard about back in the day. I tried it and was really shocked to see how the site was pretty much overrun by scum. I expect the Lemmy community to protect itself from those types of people.