2. PRC
  • @Garuda98
    23 years ago

    Could you please elaborate about Khrushchev building Stalin’s personality cult?

    • @CriticalResist8A
      53 years ago

      I can send you this article which goes into it: https://www.mltranslations.org/Britain/StalinBB.htm

      Starting with how Stalin himself was far from wanting to elevate himself to the status of a god. He was described as a modest and simple man by those who knew him, always putting the party first and acting only as an intermediary.

      And in The Initiators of the `Cult’, the article goes on to describe who participated into creating this “cult” and why. Krushev wasn’t alone, of course, but he was undoubtedly an instrumental part of it as he was elected General Secretary after Stalin.

      I’m not going to say Kruschev was playing 4D chess (I don’t know enough to say that, maybe other people would) and that he hatched a plan to put the blame of everything bad that happened in the USSR on Stalin so he could break away from a disciplined ML governance to… whatever it is Kruschev did to the USSR… but the article does paint a very damning picture of Kruschev’s and his accomplices’ ploys.

      Certainly I know which of the two has left a lasting impression on the world, and which was decried as a revisionist by most if not all disciplined ML parties.

      • @Garuda98
        23 years ago

        Thank you very much for the article.