Comrades look. I know it’s just bourgeois justice and that it’s flawed and limited, but…

Bolsonaro (genocidal fascist former president of Brazil) started today his judicial journey to Political Karma town and I’m so relieved.

He was stripped of political rights for 8 years for abusing his power in the last election. And that’s just the first of a bunch of trials to come.

This man is so vile. So rotten. He is truly of that type of trash that is the worst smelling in the arsenal of the bourgeoisie.

He literally caused hundreds of thousands of deaths out of political spite. Because a political enemy was pro-vaccines he halted all the negotiations and left Brazil waiting for months. He ignored more than 100 emails and phone calls by pharmaceutical companies. Out of fucking spite.

A few epidemiological studies tried to estimate how many people died directly because of this clown’s inaction and it hovers around 200 thousand people.

Brazil was arguably the world leader in vaccination infrastructure. Back when the H1N1 epidemic happened, we delivered almost 1.3 million shots a day. Remote, hard to reach farm country? Vaccinated. Militia controlled favela? Vaccinated. Indigenous people in the middle of the fucking Amazon where you can only get by boat? Vaccinated. This was Brazil 10 years ago.(*)

Who we are now? The country that started vaccinating almost 7 months late because the president was a fucking death-worshipping fascist.

At least we’ll get some reckoning now. Limited reckoning, driven by bourgeois justice. But it’s what we have for now.

If you’re planning any celebrations this weekend, drink one for us, comrades. And sorry for the wall of text. Hahahah.

(*) BTW: that’s a good way to show people how flimsy are the concessions from the bourgeoisie. You can go from one of the most sophisticated public health vaccination infrastructures in the world to hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths in 10 years if the bourgeoisie decides they want to squeeze more profits.

    • swiftessayOP
      1 year ago

      If you’re a working class or non-white person interacting with the police, an emotionally unstable cop might decide that we have it. But officially, in the books we don’t have it.

      But TBH, Bolsonaro’s health is already faltering. A prison sentence will probably mean he’ll die in prison. Which is good.

      • albigu
        1 year ago

        If it comes to that, he’ll probably just get prisão domiciliar for health reasons or he’ll flee to the USA like the old Olavo de Carvalho. Doubt any elected party will put in an effort to fight those options either, in order to save face.