I was in a kerfuffle with a western “leftist” on discord. I was once on a server called “socialism” but then i got kicked for being a “tankie”, but that’s not the point of this. When I asked about where “democratic socialism”, which is more of an us-not-them word than anything imo, worked out, they pointed to Gadaffiist Libya. What would be a good response to that?

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    3 years ago

    They don’t really deserve a response, tbh.

    But, pretty much everyone who tried to establish Socialism without a violent revolution or the total support of the people has either been assassinated, or couped. With the shift in global politics towards pro-socialist models, we should see a bigger uptick in socialists being democratically elected, but with modern materialism, democratic socialism is an idealist’s goal.