I’m curious to see what Lemmygrad does in their free time, apart from shitposting on an obscure internet board.

I went out to a park to chill in the shade and read a book / sleep in the grass.

I also spent some time working on my indoor herb garden. My basil started quickly but since a few days, my cilantro has joined the race as well. Unfortunately there are no signs of the spring onions yet, but inshallah they will grow.

I made banana bread with my gf and afterwards we went to a bar.

Today, I will do a workout and follow my cat’s advice of doing absolutely nothing. It’s too hot and with the sun on maximum UV strength, going outside would mean turning into a lobster very quickly.

  • rufuyun
    1 year ago

    Working on my 2d Unity game, working on coding problems on Exercism, I am so close to being done the C++ problem set on that site, like 87%. Having a horrible time trying to pick what to write my paper on in Environmental Sociology, there just seems like so much to write about, even if I focus on my region.

    Playing Thief Gold and loving it, I’m going to check out the open source clone as soon as I’m done. Installed and booted up New Vegas to show my gf the amazing game I’ve been talking about and OMG, it was a liiiitle jankier than I remember, I really should have installed the mods first if I wanted the game to look polished.

    I checked into the library to ask about a casual job I applied for… It’s been screening for like 2 months.