Your average treatler in the imperial core is so much more likely to consume news that promises them the wildfires are caused by jewish space lasers than a ho-hum we’re killing the planet with shit like fossil fuels.

It’s like the Marvel effect, wherein all movies follow the super-hero formula now. Instead of films that get by on things like dialogue or story telling, it’s how bombastic the special effects are and if it fits into a larger “universe”.

Well chuds feel apart of something larger when they consume Fox News, with it’s bombastic production and movie star looking anchors. They’re “enlightened” and know “the truth” about the world the dumb libs don’t know. Even if said truth is just the same old antisemitic conspiracies the fascists from the 40’s were peddling just with a 21st century new coat of paint.

I need to stop watching CNN it’s bad for my mental health btw.

  • DamarcusArt
    9 days ago

    The liberal worldview offers no solutions, only shame. “We” are responsible for climate change and the planet is dying and nothing can be done about it because the people’s only option is to “vote.” We can do nothing but feel bad about how bad everything is and how much of our own fault it is.

    By contrast, the conservative/conspiracy theory worldview offers a cause and solution. They are causing this problem, so if we get rid of Them then we fix this problem. It’s not that the narrative is simple (in fact a lot of conspiracy theories are extremely complex and dense) it’s that it offers a solution and course of action, it gives people meaning and understanding (however false) in a complex world.

    Our goal as leftists is to educate, we offer the same thing that the conservative viewpoint does, solutions and courses of action, except our solutions will actually fix the problem instead of attacking scapegoats and chasing shadows.